Still here, more than alive and kicking
- At October 10, 2015
- By Helmar Rudolph
- In English, News
I don’t even know how to begin this post, because if you’ve been visiting regularly, you will know that my activities mainly revolve around the Master Key System on the German side of things, with a little sidekick on the English one.
For the past 8 years I’ve been busy expanding my work, launched a number of products and services, and hold talks and seminars on a regular basis. So if no news appear here, it’s because all the action still is over there. That said, I am planning to centralise my activities, so that everything is in one location rather than spread all over the place. It’ll still take time as there’s no ETA.
In short, all is well. My Youtube channel is getting more and more popular, with the 10.000 subscriber mark being crossed some time in November or December this year. There’s also a range of new videos appearing, most of them in German, though. I have launched an English channel, too, in order to keep those two languages separate. Please feel free to visit, and enjoy what I’ve prepared for you.
Until the next update, keep shining, and thank you for visiting!
Master Key System Centenary Edition now available in South Africa
- At May 30, 2011
- By Helmar Rudolph
- In English, Master Key System, News, South Africa
This should be of interest to anyone interested in Charles Haanel’s Master Key System. I now have a number of copies of my “Centenary Edition” available for only R200 plus shipping. If you are interested, please get in touch with me via the contact form. If you are in Cape Town, a drop-off could be arranged. Payment either cash or via EFT. Details are available upon request.
The website can be found at
The Master Key System Study Service
- At January 15, 2011
- By Helmar Rudolph
- In English, Master Key System, News
After breathing the Master Key System for the past three years and building a successful business ontop of it on the German market, it was time to give something back. Please welcome the new Study Service! 6 months of extensive support will help you get the most out of this amazing teaching.
2 Emails per week over 6 months, a video of 15-45 minute length, an extensive checklist and a revised version of the MKS in PDF Format will ensure that you finish the course as intended. A new life awaits you. All you have to do is take possession, and with this new study service it has become so much easier.
If “The Secret” got you excited but left you somewhere hanging in the cold, the Master Key System picks up right there. But as with everything new, personal support is crucial, and this is what you are getting with my new study service.
Cost: 92 Euro or around 120 US Dollar for six months is about 15 Euro a month, less than 4 Euro a week! A steal compared to what you are getting in return. Courses like these normally cost several hundred Euros or Dollars, some even thousands. Not this one! I want you to be able to afford it, and I want you to finish the course and change your life around! This will not only benefit you, but me and all others too, and this way we lift Mankind onto a higher level.
So if you feel there is so much more to life but were unable to tap into it, here is your chance! Go click on the link and get all the news you need about the MKS, Charles Haanel, myself and the course itself. You’ll be so glad you did!
Ist die Sonne unser Schicksal?
- At January 23, 2009
- By Helmar Rudolph
- In Deutsch, Inspired Mind, News
“Die Thesen des Biophysikers Dr. Dieter Broers klingen atemberaubend. Er stellt unser FĂŒhlen und Handeln in Zusammenhang mit der SonnenaktivitĂ€t – und sagt der Menschheit einen elementaren Bewusstseinssprung voraus
Seit drei Jahrzehnten befasst sich Dieter Broers mit elektromagnetischen Schwingungen. Und kam dabei zu bahnbrechenden Erkenntnissen. Was die Sonne und ihre Strahlung mit unserer Zukunft zu tun haben, erklĂ€rt er exklusiv in HĂRZU.”
Interessanterweise geht er aber auf den Folgeseiten mehr auf den Maya Kalendar, 2012 und die Bewusstseinsentwicklung ein, u.a. auch auf den Synchronisationsstrahl aus den Tiefen des Alls, welcher dann mit einem Stern (hier “die Sonne”) nichts mehr zu tun hat.
Ein toller Bericht, den wirklich jeder lesen sollte.