Getting the Clues
“These targeting, tracking, and personalization schemes are mechanistic answers to psychological questions. Customers are human beings, first and foremost, quirky and elusive and unpredictable. That’s why, in a lot of cases, all the data mining and click-tracking analysis in the world doesn’t work as well as simply asking customers what they want.” Wow! This is the first time ever someone told the truth about 1-1 and CRM in such length and in such detail. The sad thing, though, is that nothing is going to change.
True CRM and 1-1 marketing can only succeed in an organisation willing to change its attitude towards itself, its customers and society. But as only a minority of managers and staff have the capacity – physical, mental and spiritual – to initiate and drive such far-reaching change, never mind the authority to implement and mentor it, most organisations will continue to fall for the hype and throw lots of good money after bad.
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