Where does the money come from? Woher stammt eigentlich das Geld?
- At May 25, 2007
- By Helmar Rudolph
- In Deutsch, English, Inspired Mind, News
Brilliant video in English with German subtitles. 47min, 120MB, well worth the time. It may be another step you take in the right direction.
The Fractional Reserve system, the ability to create money out of debt can be described as the scourge of modern times, and the prime reason for the huge imbalances between rich and poor. Sure, those in poverty usually lack the thinking power, and being pretty much trapped in a cycle where the little they have is spent on food, physical or mental, that is of inferior quality, there is little way out. That said, may the publicizing of this video contribute to the abolition of this insane and eventually cannibalistic system.