Confusion rules, ok?
It really surprises me time after time that whenever there is a mention of the ‘database marketing’, the terms ‘direct’ and ‘mailing’ are used in the same context. But doesn’t it show the real mindset behind this thinking? Doesn’t it show that they ‘ab’-use the word ‘database marketing’ to cover their outdated marketing techniques and strategies? I honestly think so.
So when will ‘they’ learn that database marketing doesn’t have to be direct and the channel used doesn’t have to be mail either? My answer to this is: only when they realize that database marketing is a holistic and integrated process and not just a cover-up for their own reluctance to adapt and learn.
Yes, database marketing can be direct and mail can be the medium, but it doesn’t have to be. The uses are far greater and extend way beyond ‘plain ol’ marketing’. But as long as those in charge think in categories and business functions, they will never ever reap the real benefits and explore database marketing to the fullest. For them, it will be glorified direct mail based on a plain address list, getting them a 0.5% response rate or maybe a bit more – but that’s it. No relationship building, no history tracking, no loyalty-building – just a bombardment with oh-so-clever words on paper. What a waste!
Unfortunately, as long they can get away with this ignorance and abuse, nothing will change. However, it requires only one small spark to cause an explosion; one company practicing real customer-centered database marketing, and in a world of increasing product parity and consumerism customers will start flocking to these pioneers, leaving helpless marketing dinosaurs behind to die a slow and gruesome death.
On the other hand, as long as customers accept rip-offs, shoddy treatment and inappropriate products and services, as long as their own lethargy is partly responsible for it, nothing will change either. But again, our information society makes it very difficult to hide the ‘truth’. For the customer it’s becoming merely a matter of ‘realization’ – the switch to a competitor has never been easier.
I predict another four to five years to pass before things will change on a grand scale, but then the real floodgates will open, drowning all those who cannot swim. Now is the time to learn and implement gradual but steady change to your marketing and management process. This will not only provide a wet-suit, but also a surfboard you can use to leave your competitors out there for the sharks.
I also predict that those companies who have a fit and motivated workforce be the ones to start first and benefit first. After all, Database Marketing and Relationship Management is a personal 1:1 process; the database is merely a tool and extended brain – nothing more. The real action is and remains between people, so start building gyms and massage parlors, and establish lifestyle centers for those who need additional help and assistance. Am I getting carried away here? I don’t think so. But what do you think? Click here to add your comment!